Best Web Programming Frameworks

Top 5 web programming frameworks for handling Form Validation

Learn about web development with the top 5 frameworks for validating forms, streamlining code, and making it easier for users to connect with your site.
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    Learn about web development with the top 5 frameworks for validating forms, streamlining code, and making it easier for users to connect with your site.

    Find Out About The Best Web Programming Frameworks For Form Validation That Works Smoothly And Lets Coders Make Strong, Error-Free Apps.

    Form Validation is one of the critical thing that web developers need to perform when they are making any web-based applications that are used for business purposes. These web forms can be used for collecting information from customers or citizens for various purposes, like product delivery, senior citizen card dispatch, or property tax collection. There are many web-based programming framework that allow developers to handle form validation with ease. In this blog, we will explore the top 5 web programming frameworks that are widely used for form validation.

    Understanding Form Validation

    When a user input the form field there might be some restrictions for each field that can be applied in the form to ensure data is submitted correctly. For example valid email in email field, strong password in specific format to ensure safety of account, disabling script acceptance in the field, checking malicious sql injection codes that can attack the database, server, and disrupts the operational works. Form validation allows admin to ensure that every submitted form goes through a spam checking and is made by humans and not by bots.

    Why Is Form Validation Essential?

    Form validation is essential for collecting correct data from the users. It helps in improving the accuracy of data storage, increase reliability of collected data; help us to secure the applications from bot attacks from data hackers, or cyber criminals who try to send suspicious scripts to spoil the reputation in the digital world. Businesses have to capture useful information from their customers for product delivery, and for this purpose they use form validation. It is widely used in ecommerce websites, contact forms of organizations, and web based applications that are used for property tax collection, ration distribution, and submitting vehicle challan.

    Popular Uses Of Form Validation

    Validating Correct Email Address

    We need to ensure that user input correct email address on the email text field. By coding it efficiently we can determine whether the email is already in use, or not while registering new account.

    Identifying Correct Location

    Sometimes we need dependable dropdown options for collecting accurate locations of the consumer like state, district, city, Pin code etc. Web developers can use form validation techniques for ensuring correct user input for location text fields.

    Password Protection

    Using asterisk keyword whenever user puts password in password fields helps in securing the password. It is most essential way of protection of email account when submitting any registration or login form.


    Bootstrap is a front end framework that allows developers to design fully responsive forms for all screen sizes whether it is for laptop, tablets or mobile devices. By just declaring the bootstrap file in the header tags we can build form that might appear differently using grids. There are lots of glyph icons and easy to use UI components and layouts that can be utilized for building forms that has many fields.

    PHP Framework

    PHP is an open source web framework that can be installed locally on machine and is easy to use. We can download and install Xamp on our device and start creating our projects by making folder in htdocs folder. It is server side scripting language that allows developers to write code for form handling and validation. We can also store the submitted information using post method in the database securely. PHP developers can perform CRUD operations using the responsive web form. We can use any front end technologies for designing web form however the forms are validated using PHP codes only.

    AngularJS Framework

    The web framework Angular JS is a property of Google. It is used by AngularJS developers to build AngularJS web-based applications. These applications might consist of web forms for user creation or login that require inputs from users for validation of the account. AngularJS provides wide range of reusable components and modular designs that can minimize coding time.

    Vue.JS Framework

    It is another popular JavaScript framework that is widely used for creation of interactive web based applications for unique business needs. This framework has inbuilt form validation features and third party libraries that can help us in declarative syntax for handling form validation with ease.

    Django Framework

    Django is high level web framework for python programming language. This can also be used for form validation as it has variety of built in validation for handling errors messages, successful messages, making the form validation effortless.

    Pros And Cons Of Using Angular JS For Form Validation

    Angular JS web development framework allows several advantages by providing extensive built in directives like ng-required and ng-patterns that simplify the form validation tasks for instant feedback for user inputs. It provides two way data binding feature that helps in fetching records by taking input from users thereby enhancing user experience.

    The learning curve of the angular JS is steep as compared to other web frameworks however it is still most widely used web application development framework that developers use for form validation. This form can either be long form for filling admission form, application form submission for government based services like aadhar card, ration card issuance, or applying for passport.

    To sum up we must say that form validation plays vital role in safeguarding the data integrity of the organization. By validating the form we can ensure that values inserted in the database are accurate, just and makes sense. There are lots of web programming languages that support form handling like bootstrap, PHP, AngularJS, Vue JS and Django. The choice of these web frameworks must be done wisely for handling projects that needs form validations.

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